Saturday 29 May 2010


Today started well enough. I managed to reconcile the camp cash books, which is in three currencies and had advances from four different places. We are moving over to a new system this week, so it was good make sense of it all.

We then went to the camp where we have conducted a second registration of people that have moved into the camp. This will enable us to include them in any distributions and make our statistics more complete. We had to issue their cards to them today. These cards can be scanned for recieving a distribution and are used against our database if we want to target particular populations, e.g. pregnant women or handicapped people, for services. Unfortunately we only managed to get half the intended cards out.

As the day went on my arm started to give me more trouble. I slipped yesterday and hurt my forearm a bit. Today it hurt a lot. A trip to the University of Miami field hospital at the Port-au-Prince airport, including time in their x-ray tent, showed no fractures, but I have done some damage down the side of the bone (scraped it or bruised it or something) and I'm a bit sore. So... my arm's in an immobilisation splint for "a week or two". Given that it's already hot and uncomfortable, I can't see it staying on for that long, but it'll stay until it's not so sore.

And I'll keep typing primarily with my left arm.

(The lesson - don't break your fall with your preferred hand)

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