Saturday 1 May 2010

Day 3

Today started early. I couldn't sleep so I put on my camp light (so as not to wake my room mate) and started reading the hard copy reports I had to catch up on. By six am Sam was up too, so we started to get ready for the day.

After breakfast we met with our main partner agency at their offices to talk through their water and sanitation projects in teh camp, and how we can use their education expertise in cooperation with The Salvation Army school which is next to the camp.

By mid morning, Sara , a technical advisor from the US, and I went down to the camp to firstly check on some of the tasks I had set people yesterday (that weren't done!), to make sure we had enough diesel to operate the generator that lights the alleys in the camp (security measure) and to see how our volunteers were going at putting up alley signs to demarkate sections of the camp. I was also keen to see if our paid litter team were also able to clean up a septic mass of water that was gathering near our camp office... no such luck.

After a lunch at DHQ to meet our new IES team leader, Damaris Frick, I had a meeting with the Haitian DC. He is a great officer and is working well with our team here. You would have seen his story in the Warcry a week or two ago.

After a staff meeting back at base we've been sitting around doing admin: task lists, project writing, grant requests, budget construction etc.

Very hot and humid to work in and some funny experiences along the way. In the vehicle today my colleague screamed out that there were spiders... sure enough there were dozens of spiders crawling inside the van. Our driver wasn't fazed... I just got out of the way, until I knew that they were crawling up my vest.

There were also the campers in the Red Cross camp that set up home inside a disused Army helicopter. Best home in the camp.

Given I've been going now for 18 hours, I'm going to bed. More tomorrow.

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