Tuesday 26 June 2012

Prayer ministry

One of the aspects of our evangelism weekend recently was the need to engage in spiritual warfare and pray in many of the breakthroughs that are necessary in our community.

Some people have taken up the challenge to pray around particular parts of the community that God has placed on their hearts. One or two are going to pray at our schools. Yesterday, two of our soldiers went to pray over the Women's and Children's Hospital, where they had some great encounters.

Ask God where more breakthroughs are needed in Adelaide's south. Where is he calling you to stand for the Kingdom of God and pray in breakthroughs for people?

Tuesday 19 June 2012


This week three of our basketball teams have found their way into their respective Grand Finals. They will be played on Monday night (June 25) at the Distinctive Homes Dome, Crittendon Road, Findon.

At times sports ministry takes a seemingly peripepheral role to the rest of church life. Some would even argue that sports ministry doesn't have a place in a church, when it is done so often (and sometimes so much better) by a range of community groups, from councils to YMCA's to sports associations.

So long as the sports ministry finds a way to contribute to the mission of the church, and is fruitful, it can be an asset. We would hope that, regardless of on-court success, our basketballers are seeing God/ witnessing God's light and are finding ways to join us as disciples. To this end, please pray for this ministry and Bronwyn Nunns who coordinates it.

Monday 18 June 2012

Kym's Message

Sunday evening at Glenelg we had an incredible message delivered by Kym Lear.

Kym is a message in himself. He is an old-school 'Trophy of Grace', in that his testimony includes a dramatic salvation from drugs and alcohol into God's Kingdom.

Kym preached up a storm, in his own understated way. Using powerful stories and emotion, he reminded us that as God's people, God's character should be seen in us, and in our care for others. He concluded by suggesting that while we are not God, and therefore cannot create a universe with our words, we can certainly create a new world with our love.

Thanks Kym.

Tuesday 12 June 2012


We had a great weekend of teaching during our 'Grace' seminar. We are grateful to Greig and Craig from Sydney, who came to share with us great testimonies from their church in Ryde, and also teach us Kingdom principles that help us to a) embrace grace for ourselves, and b) share grace with others.

The keys to the weekend:

God loves us without cause - we can't make him love us more or less, he just loves because he IS love
God forgives us even before we ask - when Jesus did the work of salvation on the cross and declared the work finished, it was finished
Jesus (plus nothing) is needed for our salvation. We can't add to his work, take from his work or try and do things ourselves.

This is liberating news. It's great news worth sharing. And here's the reality... God rescues us all from something, and based on that testimony, we can encourage others to discover their rescue story and rewrite their personal stories in the light of God's grace.

Monday 4 June 2012


Well done to the guys at our Ascot Park Centre. On Saturday they held their first BBQ day, where they invited the public in to check out the centre and gave them a feed at the same time. Helen writes:

Our sausage sizzle was considered a success in all area's by myself and my staff. I was very touched by the number of my volunteers that came in to lend a hand on the day. Sarah,  Barbara and myself baked muffins, cakes etc and they both stayed the entire shift on a day they dont work. Jane was amazing with one of our customers and Mary and Steve came and socialized out by the BBQ the entire shift. John was our main man cooking the BBQ and he and Susan ran around collecting said BBQ etc. Before we left to go home they all asked if we could do it again in 6 months time.