Tuesday 19 June 2012


This week three of our basketball teams have found their way into their respective Grand Finals. They will be played on Monday night (June 25) at the Distinctive Homes Dome, Crittendon Road, Findon.

At times sports ministry takes a seemingly peripepheral role to the rest of church life. Some would even argue that sports ministry doesn't have a place in a church, when it is done so often (and sometimes so much better) by a range of community groups, from councils to YMCA's to sports associations.

So long as the sports ministry finds a way to contribute to the mission of the church, and is fruitful, it can be an asset. We would hope that, regardless of on-court success, our basketballers are seeing God/ witnessing God's light and are finding ways to join us as disciples. To this end, please pray for this ministry and Bronwyn Nunns who coordinates it.

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