Thursday 8 November 2012

Nauru 2

It's hot here, and very hot (around 30) overnight. I'm sleeping in a tent at the processing centre with a few of the other staff. It's cosy but we have some new fans so hopefully we'll all start to sleep better.

I had a day off on Sunday so I went to church. It was a good morning. the pastor was from the Solomon Islands and the musicians were mostly Fijian. It went for a little over two hours, but you didn't really notice. I then went to a chinese buffet for lunch - $10 all you can eat, which was pretty good. We had a drive around the island, saw some cultural sites and then went for a swim with some local kids.

There is a minor challenge among the team to swim out to the drop off point, where the coral island drops away to the deep sea. Took the challenge, although realised half way back just how far it was, and how hard the swimming was. After that a few of us had fun jumping of the harbour wall.

My client interaction is diminishing rapidly as I'm spending most of my time managing staff. I am now the team leader of a group that are running the client services in the actual ayslum seeker compound. There are three teams: day and night shift, with a rotating two days off. I'm also the salvo rep on all casualty evacuation issues.

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