I hear that yesterday our worship time at Marion Corps was exceptional. Thank you to everyone who pitched in to help Ange and Kathleen.
I was at the Hampstead Barracks mandatory training weekend. You can gather by the term 'mandatory' that I didn't have much choice! This weekend is a lot about corporate governance and each soldier in the Army has this annual induction. It covers off on a lot of topics from heat managment, safety, technical regulatory frameworks, mental health, suicide prevention, physical training, envoironmental impact, equity and diversity and so on.
It makes me grateful for the way we do corporate governance in The Salvation Army!
What also stood out to me was the number of personnel issues that arose. Over just two days, I had 11 people seeking assistance from the chaplain, and two sub-units at the barracks seeking support for their courses. Of course I won't be able to do all of the things that are asked of me, but it is good that the people of the Australian Army are seeking out their chaplains.
A new thing this year is also the presence of the Military Christian Fellowship at Hampstead. They have been around the ADF for a long time, but not on every base. Having a presence at the barracks to specifically support the Christians and provide evanglical opportunities, while I get on with the more general work of providing care to the whole unit is a great bonus. Pray for their representative leader, Major Geoff Robertson.
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