Friday 10 September 2010

Getting back into things

One of the challenges this week has been from people that have missed my blog! Thanks. It's good to know that this method of communication has been helpful to people.

Now that we are finding our feet, I'll start blogging away again and letting people know what is happening around our church and in our community ministries.

Some of you will be interested in where we are up to with replacing Lucy in our shop. Lucy won't be easily replaced. Her retail background was helpful in bringing the shop to the level at which it currently operates. In the first week since she left, we certainly noticed lower sales.

We have reviewed the position in the shop and worked with Divisional Headquarters to reclassify the position under the new Fairwork/ Modern Awards system. Now we are able to advertise the position and hope that it will appear on our website and in the two southern suburbs Messengers (Guardian/ Southern Times) next week. We will give people a couple of weeks to put in their applications and then start the interview process.

I hope that we will be able to announce a new manager's appointment by the second week of October. In the meantime, please pray for the team, especially those in the shop, that are keeping things going.

Speaking of keeping things going, I need to pay tribute to the various Corps leaders that helped on Sundays and kept the mid week hustle going in our absence. This is a strong Corps that has very capable local leaders. Thank you for your ministries.

Finally, as you pray, please remember Tim and Myrtle as the final preparations occur for their wedding tomorrow. I'm sure we'll see many of you there.

A verse that has been with me all week:
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritence; therefore, I will hope in him". (Lamentations 3:22-24)

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