Saturday 15 June 2013

Mali 19

So it's Saturday. Day off? No, unfortunately. Apart from checking the football scores from home (where it is almost Sunday), and noting that the mighty Bombers have won their 9th game for the season going into the bye, it's paperwork day.

I know this is a dry subject, but the reality of deployments is that most spare moments during the day are taken up with some sort of work, and like anywhere else/ anything else in The Salvation Army, there's a lot of paper to go with it.

So since breakfast I've been glued to the laptop. The sort of things we have to produce include weekly reports to IHQ on our activities, team safety and security and the progress against our project goals. We have to perform cash reconciliations weekly, because all of our transactions are in cash. We have to scan all accounts and all receipts to send back to our donor territories. We have to write assessments on new potential projects and reports on the projects that are already approved and funded. We have registration forms for beneficiaries and wage/ HR forms and contracts for each of our staff and our casual helpers. There are agenda and minutes from meetings to be read or contributed to. All pretty much the same as in any other part of the world (except sometimes handwritten and in different languages - in this case, almost all in French).

So that's my day. I only mention it so that it's a little clearer as to the realities of life on the job. We aren't always out and about saving the world or seeing the sights. Some days were stuck in the office (or at the kitchen table) trying to provide an account for how we're doing it all. And by blogging about it, I get a break from writing this week's IHQ report!!

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