Monday 20 August 2012

The Marathon

Yesterday, I completed my fourth marathon. This morning, a nice email awaited me from the organisers.

Congratulations on completing the 42.20 km Run with a Finish Time of 03:35:30. Your position overall was 109, with a Gender place of 98, placing 53 out of 137 in your Male 16-39 Age Group.
(Context: 406 competitors)

Marathons teach a lot. There is the need to persevere, even when you hurt. There is the need for community - people to share the journey, people to train and coach you, people that are running the same pace as you that can encourage you on the way. There is the need for leaders and volunteers to set up the event and keep it running and safe. There are mental challenges on the way as well as physical.

In our life marathon, we could all do with the people that share our journey, lead us, coach us, and support us. We could all learn about persevering in the hard times and overcoming those lies and challenges that enter our minds. I'm grateful for what I learn... it's not just a run through the parklands!

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