Wednesday 18 April 2012

The Arty Shed

The first thing worth noting is that this is the 500th blog posting! We hope that this continues to be a means via which we can communicate about what is happening in our Corps and some of the life transformations God allows us to see.

The Arty Shed is a project initiated after years of attempts to resolve a few concerns. Firstly - we are a prominent property  at our Seacombe Centre, with public thoroughfares, which makes us a prime grafitti target. Also, we want to continue to think of ways to engage kids during school holidays in creative programmes.

Catherine, our youth and young adults pastor, was successful in obtaining a Marion Council grant last year for a project that enables us to bring in the kids during the holidays to paint a mural on our shed, hopefully discouraging grafitti, while also helping to communicate our message to the public. With the help of Morgan, our contracted artist, we have been able to paint three great images onto the shed.

On the front is a "blood and fire" slogan, representing our belief in the efficacy of the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit. On the side is a great image of the lighthouse, reflecting our mission statement about shining God's light in Adelaide's south, and our heritage of salvation. You will see a cross on the side, and lots of Salvos fishing people out of the waters. On the front of the building is a big Red Shield.

Not only is the artwork good, and - three whole days in - still left alone by the vandals, there have been numerous instances where people have stopped to ask Catherine, Morgan and the kids about the meanings behind the images. People are hearing the gospel through creative means, the kids are enjoying their Easter holidays, we're beautifying the back of our property and we might even be preventing crime at the same time.

Congratulations to Catherine, Morgan, Greg, Kerryn, the youth group and all who have been in some way involved.

Please take the chance to come and have a look at our new artwork.

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