Monday 22 November 2010

Weekend Activities

This weekend was one of those weekends that demonstrates how busy and active our Corps is.

On Saturday the day started with preparations for the Glenelg Pageant (see below) and the sorting of donations that have already been recieved from the Wishing Tree and some food outlets. Thank you to Kerryn's family who came in especially to assist.

As the shop opened, our Men's Fellowship met with one of the recently un-elected (!) Marion Councillors who was able to bring us up to date on what is happening with the local wetlands.

Our youth then headed off to St Kilda for the day. The adventure playground was a great location for them to have fun together. Thanks especially to Mary and Bec who stepped in at the last minute to help me with this. We seem to have lost a number of our youth team volunteers in recent days, so it was great to get help from these guys.

Saturday night there was a great social night at the Wood's house. Those that came along all had fun - and too much good food. Thanks to Colin and Mavis for hosting so many of us.

On Sunday worship continued as usual at the Seacombe Gardens Centre, while out the front of the Glenelg Centre we put on a BBQ for the community as the pageant went by. During this time we gave out over 500 lollipops and 250 colouring competition sheets. Those that enter the colouring competition will all recieve an invitation to our Christmas activities and a chocolate prize!

I think the only 'downer' for the weekend was to recognise the continued demise of our 4pm congregation. Last week 4 people attended. This week 2. (Well, 1 if you don't count me). It seems that many are choosing not to return since Mark has resigned, but we must also recognise that prior to his leaving we were only getting 10 or 15 some weeks. Some are also taking advantage of the summer weather (I knew a few of our kids went to the beach instead of church yesterday).

Please pray about this. It is untenable to offer a service for so few, when we already have another worshipping opportunity on the same day. I will be discussing this with our DC this week also, as regardless of our decisions around Sundays@4, it is a Salvation Army practice that any discontinuations or changes in worship services need approval from HQ.

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