Friday, 6 September 2013

Election 2013

Well tomorrow is the day. Over 15 million Australians will go to the polls to elect their representatives for the next parliament. We also elect half the senate again. And then we wait to see who has the numbers to form a government.

While we would all have a preference, and while we would all, I'm guessing, wish that even our preferences changed a few of their policies, we still are expected to make a decision. One helpful article out of Perth today might help...

Thursday, 5 September 2013


With mounting tensions in Syria, the National Council of Churches have this week released the following statement:

At this crucial time, the people of Syria and the Middle East need peace not war. Weapons or military action can not bring peace to Syria is the firm conviction of Middle Eastern Church leaders meeting this week in Amman, Jordan.

The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) expresses concern for the people of Syria and condemns the use of chemical weapons. “This crime needs to be investigated and the perpetrators prosecuted.” said the Reverend Tara Curlewis, NCCA general secretary. “External military intervention will only increase the suffering of the people and increase the risk of escalating sectarian violence”

The people of Syria want peace not war. They are calling for a negotiated political solution. The people of Syria need world leaders to support non violent actions to ensure security and peace.

Curlewis added “We call on the Foreign Minister the Hon. Bob Carr to engage with the leaders of the USA and Russia at the G20 leaders meeting to identify each countries contribution to a political process towards peace and justice for Syria.”

“A significant contribution Australia could make would be to be part of a process that identifies ways to starve the fire of war and reduces the flow of deadly armaments at this time.”

The NCCA joins the call of the World Council of Churches, Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury for dedicated prayer and work for peace in Syria, with a particular emphasis on Saturday, September 7.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Old Hymns and New Transformations

During our Hymns of Praise service today, Laurie introduced us to his favourite song. The lyrics of the chorus say:

O the peace my Saviour gives
Peace I never knew before!
And my way has brighter grown
Since I've learned to trust him more.

As we sung this song I was struck by the dual thought - this song is around 100 years old, but it couldn't be truer that it is today. We see, everyday, people transformed by the peace that comes from a relationship with God.

I think through the encounters that we've had through Marion Salvation Army this week. I can't say too much, so as not to contravene people's privacy. But what I can say is that we've had a Mum at her wits end find peace in prayer in our chapel. We've had a soldier (Defence type) find some peace through the counsel offered, helping with traumas he suffered years ago. We've seen an elderly man come to seek peace from God after years of habitually taking himself into trouble. We've seen another man that has come through a tragic car accident last week, and the loss of a friend, seek solace through our ministries because of the relationships he has here - and we pray that will leave to finding God's peace.

The final verse finishes this thought well:

Now I'm trusting every moment
Nothing less can be enough;
And my Saviour bears me gently
O'er theplaces once so rough
O the peace my Saviour gives...

 (Lyrics  by Francis Augustus Backmer, 1855-1930)