Tuesday 16 April 2013


There is nothing that makes sense about destroying an event so positive as a marathon with violence.

There is nothing that makes sense about upsetting the final mile of an event dedicated to healing and supporting the lives of those from Sandy Hoak.

There is nothing that makes sense about bringing darkness to something that by its very nature brings out the best in people - endurance, victory, personal achievement, faith, goals, community, fitness, love.

There is nothing that makes sense when people, including at least one child, are killed randomly

But, as always, there is God:

God is there in the first responders that run to the disaster and help.

God is there in the marathon runners, depleted by an endurance event, that line up to give blood to others.

God is there in the gatherings that are already organised and occuring as people support each other and pray.

God is there in the people that are expressing solidarity with the runners and spectators - even committing to run the race next year in defiant support.

God is there in the police that have left their spring holiday break to come on duty and assist, and the Massachssets National Guard who have stood up for duty.

God is there in the training and expertise of medical personnel providing care and healing.

God is there in the crys of people who will not stand for this atrocity.

God is there in the suffering of families, present, available, crying with them, hurting with them.

The darkness in this world has not overcome the light yet, and it won't.

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