Monday 26 March 2012


Last weekend, around 10 of our Sunday morning congregation attended an evangelism workshop entitled the Grace Seminar. This was led by two Salvationists, Jarrod and Grieg, from Sydney. Many would recall hearing Jarrod on Sunday morning at our Seacombe Gardens service.

The guys explored the rescue story that each person needs, and the way that we can use story to share our faith. They spoke about the pillars of Christianity that are so often forgotten or trampled by institutional religion: Jesus is the only thing necessary for our salvation (i.e. we can't do anything extra or special to earn God's salvation - Jesus has done it all), God loves us without cause (i.e. nothing we can do can make him love us more, or less) and that we are forgiven before we even ask - when Jesus said "it is finished" it was finished.

These are liberating thoughts. This is good news! The argument, of course, being that when we have such good news, why not share it!

Since then, I am aware of people that were in attendance using the tools provided to share with others. I'm aware of the way that Angela was able to speak to a lady last Tuesday and help her reframe her story so that she stopped crying suddenly and realised God's love in her life. I sat with a guy last night at Glenelg and was able to speak to him about the way his tragic story could be reframed by an understanding of God's love.

It's hoped that later in the year we will have Jarrod and Grieg back in Adelaide so that we can pass these tools on to more people. If you hear of them coming to town - make time to go and hear what they have to say.

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