Friday 22 October 2010

Some good stories

You know the health of a church by the good stories that crop up.

One of our volunteers 'volunteered' that they had bought their first Bible. This was because they had been listening to the way the stories had been told at some children's activities and wanted to read more for themselves. This would only be the case if they had seen some of what they were hearing taking affect in the lives of the CSS and children's teams that they work with.

Then today, a client returned to CSS to repay the voucher that he had obtained the other day. Turns out that through manipulation and cunning he had managed to exchange the voucher for cash (or sold it, more likely) and then buy tobacco (not permitted with the vouchers). Feeling guilty, he used his first pay day to repay the voucher. Our team showed great grace in allowing him to keep the groceries he tried to donate, thanking him for his honesty and then letting him know that we are still there to help. He left in tears of gratitude.

Grace does that to people. When you know that you don't really deserve something, but it's given anyway, that's when grace has an impact. It is the most humbling thing to experience.

Thank you God for signs of health at Marion Salvos.

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