Friday 12 February 2010

Good news around the Corps

Hi all,

Firstly - this is the 100th post since we starting communicating by this medium late last year. Thank you to those that have commented, on-line and in person, and for the feedback around the Corps. To celebrate, here's some good news from one of our Corps folk, Margaret, about something she's been able to do with another from our Corps, Colin:

Last week I was contacted by FamiliesSA re a family with 9 children - the children have never had beds or mattresses. Mattresses + one bed base had been sourced - but despite contacting other agencies and 2 other CSS centres- they still needed 8 single bed bases.
I rang Colin Sampson as manager of the Adelaide Salvos Store even though it was not an Adelaide address - who organised the beds - kept them in storage - waited until Families SA was ready - then had them delivered today.
Families Sa just rang - they are so thrilled - they are including this story in their newsletter. They commented that Colin was extremely helpful
Margaret Davies

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