Thursday 6 August 2009


Today's topic has been suicide. I've been with a group of Army personnel discussing interventions and care for people contemplating ending their life. It's worth considering the number of vulnerable people in our communities.

It is also worth noting the value of church communities for the vulnerable. They are an incredible resource, when functional and healthy, for people that are in need of support, love and the grace of God. Since I've been home this evening it has been good to chat with a family who need a bit of practical help to prepare their home for the return of a loved one from hospital. I've also chatted with a family in our church bereaved following the loss of a loved one. Both of these families are better off because they have the support of a church around them.

Keep an eye out for the vulnerable around you. Take time to enter into conversation whenever they invite or hint that they may need you. Remember we all need God and as Christians we can offer hope through his good news.

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